Exploring Athens using public transport

athens public transport

Exploring Athens using public transport is a great way to experience the city’s rich history and culture while saving money. Here are some tips for getting around Athens using public transportation.

Get an Athens Transport Card

The Athens Transport Card provides unlimited access to all modes of public transportation in Athens for a specified period of time (24, 48, or 72 hours). This card is the most convenient and cost-effective way to travel around the city, especially if you plan to use public transportation frequently.

Take the bus

Athens also has an extensive bus network that covers the entire city. Buses are a great way to reach destinations that are not served by the metro, and they run 24 hours a day. However, be prepared for crowded buses during peak hours, especially on the more popular routes.

Use the metro

Athens has a modern metro system with three lines that connect the city’s major attractions, including the Acropolis, Syntagma Square, and the National Archaeological Museum. The metro runs from early morning until midnight, with extended hours on Fridays and Saturdays. The trains are clean, safe, and fast, making them an excellent way to get around Athens.

Consider the tram

The Athens tram system runs along the city’s coastline, offering beautiful views of the Aegean Sea. It’s a great way to reach destinations such as the Piraeus port, the Flisvos Marina, and the Glyfada beach area.


Athens is a compact city, and many of its attractions are within walking distance of each other. Walking is a great way to explore the city’s neighbourhoods and discover hidden gems that you might not see if you only use public transportation.

Plan your itinerary

Before you start exploring Athens, make a plan of the attractions you want to visit and the routes you will take to get there. This will help you save time and money by avoiding unnecessary trips and transfers.

By following these tips, you can explore Athens on a budget using the city’s public transportation system. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture, Athens is an unforgettable destination that is sure to leave you with lasting memories.

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